How to use #hashtag on Instagram 2020 


Today's I showing you how to use #hashtag on instagram this youtube channel is for entrepreneurs content creators and bloggers if you're here today because you're struggling with learning how to use hashtags on instagram you come to the right place because today i'm going to show you how to use them where to use them and when to use them so stick around because i'm excited to share all right so let's get into it i'm excited that you're here today i'm going to teach you everything you need to know about learning how to use hashtags on instagram rightso we're going to learn today how to use them where to use them and when to use them before we get into it let's do if you're excited to learn about how to use hashtags on instagram because when i learned how to do this it was such a game changer also you guys should definitely stick around for the end i have a bonus for you you're not going to want to miss that all right


So let's get into it i know that everyone struggles with how to get instagram followers and how to use hashtags properly right so in this video you' re going to learn how to use hashtags properly so you can get followers and those followers can turn into sales because followers don't really mean anything if they're not converting into actual customers right all right so first things first how to use hashtags and how many you should use right so you get up to 30 hashtags should you use 30hashtags i don't know i usually say any where between 20 to 25.i wouldn't use all 30 hashtags

you totally can but it's really up to which hashtags you actually pick which we're going to get into next all right so you want to grab a pen and paper for this one because this is really important so which hashtag should you use now you guys strategically using hashtags is what makes using hashtags so important and what allows you to bring in followers and customers etc right so pen and paper get ready for this you're going to want to use and this is the formula anywhere between three to five popular hashtags when i say popular i'm referring to like the ones that have a million and above so like the very generic ones like you know hashtag love or hashtag valentine's day or hashtagcovid19 like those kind of hashtags are the ones you want to use you want to use anywhere between three to five then you want to use modern hashtags anywhere between three to five and these are the ones that are between i would say50 000 to about 300 000 you want to use from that range now moderate is extremely important because if the quality of the content is good and people that follow you are liking it and people that aren't following you are liking it because they're picking it from the hashtag then your niche hashtags which is


The third most important group of hashtags you want to get you want to use anywhere between three to five niche industry hashtags right and when you're picking your niche industry hashtags you wanna make sure you're answering the question who is your audience where is your audience and you want to make sure that you're in the realm of where they are right so for example let’s say you are a you know business coach online mentor and you're teaching people how to use marketing how to create social media content and things like that so if i were someone if i were my consumer trying to find how to use instagram hashtags the kind of information i would look for on instagram is something probably along the lines of hashtags or use hashtags or social media marketing or content marketing kind of that those types of hashtags right


so it's not directly to them but it's in the realm of my audience does that make sense you guys the next group of hashtags you want to get are one to two branded hashtagsso that's where you use your brand hashtags my brand hashtag is hashtag doit for humanity you guys should do it you guys should use it all the time all the time okay never mind and that brings you to anywhere between12 to 15 hashtags right there again you guys you can use up to30 hashtags i do not recommend it unless you're strategically using these hashtags so you have this formula and just to run through it one more time so we're crystal clear you get three to five popular hashtags and those are the hashtags that are anywhere between three



hundred thousand to a million and above and then you get moderate hashtags three to five anywhere between fifty thousand to three hundred thousand in between that range and then your niche hashtags you wanna make sure you get three to five of those as well um i would even push it so far as like six and seven um but those hashtags have to be within the realm of your audience and the last group of hashtags


should be the branded hashtagsuse that formula i guarantee you more often than not you will start to see the growth within your audience within your following brings me to the next way to use hashtags is where to use them now inconstantly get this question all the time like jen should we put it in the captions we put in the comments captions comments caption comments ime an it doesn't really matter to be honest with you only only matters okay when you're using them in the captions and you're using the most popular hashtags now if you listen to my video before is aid i don't highly recommend using popular hashtags because they're so freaking saturated that it's going to be really hard to see your content


so i don't recommend that but if you're using them then you want to put them in the captions because the longer it takes to post something and then go into the comments and use those popular hashtagsthe longer um people won't actually see your stuff you know what i mean so it's really up to you you can use them in the caption and add the little dots so they're spacing or you can use them in the comments it's really up to you there is no right or wrong you just have to strategically use the best types of hashtags right okay so now we know how to use them where to use them and when to use them the last and final thing you're like how do you know if it's actually working well this is super easy this is only possible if you have a business or a creator profile you go to a post and you click on the view insights and then you scroll up and you can see the amount of hashtags and where they're coming from right and so this again only works if you have a business or creator profile and that's kind of how you see whether or not these hashtags are working now if they aren't working it


Could be a variety of different reasons it could be one you're not really using the hashtags the way you're supposed to or two the quality of your content is not good enough so that your audience is actually engaging in it if you guys watch this video on how to grow instagram i teach you guys how to actually create engagement and build an instagram profile that is organic in 2020. The biggest thing about instagram you guys have to remember is engagement instagram wants you to spend time on instagram so creating engagement and quality content with your audience is extremely important so watching this video and watching this current video willed finitely allow you to merge the two and have the best instagram profile ever with all these awesome tips all right you guys so i'm so glad you waited until the end because it is bonus time and i'm so excited so i currently have a hashtag curator with up to 60 plus category industries that you guys can purchase the description is below you click on your industry and we're


constantly adding more industries so you get the update and you have life time access to this so you pick on the industry and then it takes you to the page where you can copy and paste them save them into your notebook and use them whenever you're going to post and you want to make sure that these hashtags are randomly picked they're compressed to 30but you want to pick different hashtags for different posts you don't want to have the same ones because you'll be spam my and then it'll only bring in bots and then instagram will just think you're beings pam so there goes that any who the description for my hashtag curator is below you guys want to check it out it's an awesome tool i love it and you get lifetime access to it so you don't want to miss out on that all right


So there you guys have it thank you for watching until the very end i'm going to give you a quick recap ready so we know how to use the hashtags you get up to 30 but i recommend anywhere between15 to 20 hashtags we know which hashtags to use you want to use three to five popular three to five moderate and i would say anywhere between three to six niche and then one to two branded hashtags where do you use them it really doesn't matter you can have them in the captions you can have them in the comments it's your personal preference and last but not least you want to know if it's actually working you want to make sure you check the insights in the analytics section of your instagram


Where you can check out how many people are coming from your hashtags  to your page to see your content alright so there you guys go i hope you enjoyed this article if you liked please share your friends and family until then have a great day bye guys you

